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  • Aurorah Gayle

Sexual References to Emojis Banned on Facebook & Instagram

Facebook has updated their Community Standards policy. With this new updated policy, the use of "commonly sexual emojis"..

Both platforms, Facebook and Instagram have limited the use of any emojis that may be referenced into any sexual context. Facebook claims, "We draw the line when content facilitates, encourages or coordinates sexual encounters between adults."

Although Facebook did not specify on the emojis that have these sexual meanings, the most prominent ones that the public can gather are the peach and eggplant emojis.

According to, the eggplant emoji is used to reference a male's genitalia. The peach emoji is also references for the appearance of a person's backside.

To have a person's post banned from Facebook or Instagram, a person has to "implicitly or indirectly off or ask for a nude image, sex chats, or sex partners.

Facebook's new policy also states," We restrict sexually explicit language that may lead to solicitation because of some audiences within our global community may be sensitive to this type of content and it may impede the ability for people to connect with their friends and the broader community."

Not only does the policy ban a person's post with the use of emojis, but other formats of media such as videos, photographs, chats, and conversations.

For now the policy holds no promise on its effectiveness. The new policy is already hitting criticism by some folks. Amanda Mull, a staff writer for the The Atlantic claims, " researchers found that adults who use the emoji had more romantic and sexual interactions in the previous year and were more likely to go beyond the first date with a new partner."

Whether a person has consent on the matter of the sexual implication do not matter as well. The algorithm might act out without waiting for any reports.

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